What is the Pan-African Improvement Association Movement?
The PAN-AFRICAN IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION LLC is designed to support the African community worldwide-wherever Africans may live. We seek to cultivate positive relationships by serving the African community, and, at the same time create an interest in Africa by building capital capacity. Our company feels this will be able to resource our communities for self-sufficiency. This will alleviate the dependency that many of our people have on systems controlled by others which are designed to prevent African people from advancing and achieving financial success.
The purpose of the PAN-AFRICAN IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION LLC IS to provide information to connect African to people to Africa’s development. PANIA LLC goal is to raise the consciousness of African people so they can envision themselves playing a role in their community linked to the successful creation of a unified Africa. It is important to note that prosperity occurs among African people everywhere in conjunction with African people on the continent of Africa if we are to enjoy the fruits of our labor and resources. Therefore, we envision PANIA, LLC as a resource base to fuel our projects organizationally and as building stepping stones of affluence that brings the entire African world together, united with power for the upliftment of African people.

About Sekou Nkrumah
Sekou Nkrumah was born in Chicago, Illinois and graduated from Simeon Vocational High School. He later graduated from San Diego State University with a Bachelors of Arts Degree in Political Science. He did graduate work for his Master’s Degree to teach high school mathematics at SUNY Albany and City College of New York (CUNY) . He taught math at Albany High School in Albany, NY, at Boys and Girls High School in Brooklyn, NY for ten years whose principal was Frank Mickens, and he taught math in Ghana at People’s School for Positive Education for ten years. At People’s School he was able to develop a method for training teachers and create a critical thinking skills class based on Kwame Nkrumah’s ideology and philosophy from Class one (first grade) to Junior High School (ninth grade). He also taught math in the Charter School system for six years in Harlem and Brooklyn, New York.
As a university student, at San Diego State University Sekou Nkrumah joined the All African People’s Revolutionary Party (AAPRP) and during this time one of the leading Central Committee members was Kwame Ture (formerly known as Stokely Carmichael). Sekou Nkrumah recruited youth in San Diego, California, Albany, New York, Harlem, New York and Ghana, West Africa throughout the 1980s-1990s for 17 years while organizing in the AAPRP. In 1990 Sekou Nkrumah spoke at the United Nations on the Special Commission Against Aparthied as a cadre of the All African People’s Revolutionary Party and at the request of the Pan-Africanist Congress of Azania. In the year 2000, he organized the first Pan-African Conference for Education (PACE) at Medgar Evers College in Brooklyn, New York to commemorate the 100 year anniversary of the first Pan-African Conference held in London, England. Sekou Nkrumah has spent most of his adult life, over forty years, organizing African youth and the masses for the objective of Pan-Africanism (the total freedom and liberation of Africa under an All African Union Socialist Government) for over forty years.
Sekou has organized and participated in African Liberation Day from the 1980s-present in California, New York and Ghana, West Africa.He has organized tours, nearly every year in the 1990s, to Ghana, for the purpose of encouraging African university students and workers in America to Repatriate to Africa. Sekou Nkrumah Repatriated to Ghana in 2000 where he lives with his wife and two sons. He is currently the Chairman of the Pan-African Improvement Association-founded in Ghana, West Africa along with co-founder Peter Ramposte in 2003. From 2004-2007 Sekou Nkrumah embarked upon three successful worldwide tours promoting his books “Repatriation and Pan-Africanism the Suppression of Two Movements” and “Notes on White Supremacy and Capitalism.”
In 2011, as Chairman of PANIA (then called Pan-African Improvement Organization) Sekou Nkrumah organized in coalition with nine other organizations the “Qathafi Victory March” on the U.S. Embassy on September 9, 2011 in honor of Kwame Nkrumah’s birthday to stop the war being waged on the Libyan masses, the Jamahiriya, and the Pan-African revolution. He was arrested with 23 of the leaders who were named the Accra 24. While in Ghana he wrote several articles in the Insight Newspaper and the Mathaba News Agency.
As Chairman of the Pan-African Improvement Association, 2011-2016 the organization worked as a brotherly and sisterly organization with Kwame Nkrumah’s Convention People’s Party (CPP), in Ghana, whose Chairperson was Samia Nkrumah-the daughter of the African of the MIllenium Oagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah. In March 2015 Sekou Nkrumah collaborated with other CPP members to write the speech for Samia Nkrumah, Chairperson of the CPP, at the 8th Pan-African Congress held at Accra International Conference Center. At this occasion, Sekou Nkrumah was asked to represent the CPP and as Chairman of the PANIA, he wrote a paper entitled “Toward the 8th Pan-African Congress with Nkrumahist Philosophy and ideology For Waging Class Struggle in the Context of Pan-Africanism.” The paper called for Nkrumahism and Philosophical Consciencism to guide all future Pan-African Congresses.
Sekou Nkrumah was assigned by Samia Nkrumah to create and execute an Ideological and Educational Program for Nkrumahist Cadre Development of the Convention People’s Party and its Youth League. In 2016, Sekou Nkrumah spoke at the Convention People’s Party 7th Presidential Party Delegates Congress whose aim was to bring the CPP as a Pan-African political party to national power in Ghana and to elect Samia Nkrumah as Flagbearer of the CPP and Presidential candidate of Ghana in the 2016 elections of the country. Sekou Nkrumah is an educator, political organizer and author. His historical experience in political organizing and educating African people worldwide is a valued asset to have as a speaker in your area.